Notes from Elsa Joy Bailey on travelling the spiritual path


l wake up one morning and the ants have arrived.

They are in my bedroom: columns of them, menacingly small.Why are they here? Fast and dark and busy, hot in pursuit of their career. Bustling their way up the ant ladder. Don't they know they're in the wrong place?

No: they've found a supply of minute crumbs deep in the bowels of the carpet and are now hard at work on highway construction. Thousands of them. So intense, so focused they don't even notice I'm here. To them, I'm like some large distant floating cloud, utterly irrelevant to the task at hand.

I think: it's an insane world, and here's proof. I wake up from a dream, planning to meditate -- and here's a primal annoyance crawling around under my feet, oozing the confidence that only impossibly large groups can possess.

They're hard at work; I'm planning murder. I buy ant hotels, glue traps, spray: the works. My other plans have dropped into nowhere: this is a goal that requires feverish attention. Using my superior human intellect, I place the poisons wisely, and wait for them to take effect. In time, several ants are slain, but this changes nothing. Thousands more jump in line to take their place. Why are they doing this to me?

Oh! I get it -- it's another one of those stainless steel lessons the universe is famous for. Am I ready to be illuminated? Yes.

These ants have come to be blessed, and here I am struggling against them, calling them into battle against my giant spray cans and superior wit. But these ants have come to be blessed. And so I walk into another room -- where there are no ants to inflame my fears-- and settle into the Calm Place that lies hidden behind my uproars. When enough quiet has seeped in, I bless the ants.

Then it comes to me: I remember a friend telling me that nature's finest ant repellent is plain cinnamon. It seems a peaceful enough evacuation device, so I act on it. I buy a large can of cinnamon and sprinkle some on top of the ants' highway, and more on the ants' entrance tunnel. That's all I do: sprinkle cinnamon on the ants and let them be.

In two days they are completely gone.

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